Monday, February 24, 2014

Freewrite: Wordpress Prompt

I'm still extremely stressed out today. I miraculously managed to get all my homework done in time to turn it all in this morning (and I really mean just done--I don't think I did any of it well because I was stretched so thin it was a miracle I was even able to accomplish minimum effort). But I'm still not done. Tomorrow you'll get to hear all about all my deadlines.

But for today, since I'm short on time and patience, I'm just gonna do a quick freewrite. I was on wordpress earlier this week, working on my online portfolio, and there was this daily prompt:

Imagine that tomorrow, all of your duties and obligations evaporate for the day. You get the day all to yourself, to do anything you please. What types of fun activities would make your day?
Commence daydream sequence.

If all my homework and deadlines and classes and meetings just disappeared today... *sigh* That would be amazing. Okay, let's pretend I had absolutely no obligations. And money. Ooh! And a car. Here's what I would do:

* Wake up at 6:00am, as usual. Just because I don't have class or work doesn't mean I'm gonna waste daylight.

* Hop into my car (ha ha! Ha! Oh man I wish) and drive north, through the mountains up to Silver Lake. I'd grab a Greek yogurt parfait along the way and eat it up at the lake while observing all the chipmunks, ospreys, and moosen.

* When I felt good and ready, I'd drive back down to the Salt Lake valley and go to the zoo. Yeah, that's right. The zoo. I'm a 24-year-old who would happily spend my afternoon going through the zoo at my own pace, taking pictures, maybe sketching a little.

* Then I'd drive down to Temple Square, grab lunch/dinner at the Nauvoo Cafe, and walk around the grounds, taking pictures with the sun setting behind everything.

* For the evening, I'd go back down to Provo, rent a puppy and play with it for a couple of hours. :)

* To end my night, I dunno. I'd probably just watch a movie, to be honest.

That's what I feel like doing today. That would be the best. But, alas, I do have obligations, and I don't have money, and I don't have a car, so there's no use daydreaming, I guess. Now I've gotten that out of my system, time to go to work. :)

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