Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Deadline: The Power of Procrastination

In my defense, I didn't actually procrastinate any of my homework (......this time...), but I did still have to do it all last minute. I started last week thinking I didn't have any big projects to do after the three-day weekend. Then Wednesday came around, and I learned that I had a paper, a project, and a take-home midterm all due on Monday. So that killed my weekend.

But really I have an uncanny ability to work super productively at the very last minute before an assignment is due. I'd say it's my most efficient time to work--right before a deadline. And since I'm definitely not a night person, I actually prefer waking up super early the morning of a deadline and getting stuff done. I just can't seem to think with the same clarity when there's not a ton of pressure, and there is a lot of other fun to be had. I'm too distracted. 

Maybe I'd be better at getting things done early if there were ever any negative repercussions. Okay yeah theres the constant worry in the pit of my stomach that I won't get things done on time, but really even if I haven't worked on a paper until the morning that it's due, I still tend to get really good grades. Maybe if I was just bad at schoolwork, I'd work harder.

But anyways, I didn't actually procrastinate this time, but I did still manage to get everything done in a satisfactory way, because I had that "last-minute panic" driving me.

Then yesterday, I didn't procrastinate. My article designs aren't due until tonight, but I finished them and turned them in last night. Ha! Ha!!!

It was no picnic, though. I went to the Humanities Lab right after work and stayed there for four straight hours, trying to remember the skills I learned in one semester of the InDesign class I took a year and a half ago. It wasn't easy. Thankfully I had a bunch of classmates around to help me. They dished out their designs in like two hours, and spent the rest of the time helping little incompetent me. :)

Designing is definitely not my forte. These article designs were definitely just a pathetic first draft. I'm gonna scour a bunch of magazines for layout ideas and just steal from those on the second go-around. Last night I just relearned the basics.

There are WAY too many basics.

So. Many. Buttons. 

And I spent most of the time just staring at my screen like this.

But I got it done, and hopefully once I really get the hang of InDesign I'll be able to make these spreads look spectacular.

For now, I'll stick with doodling. To end, here's a picture of a butterfly that I drew on the Biology Department white board yesterday.

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