Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Soliloquy: Anna's Baptism

Yesterday I got the chance to see my young cousin Anna be baptized, along with four other children in her stake.

It was one of the sweetest gatherings of people I've ever been a part of. There were so many children there, and the whole meeting was aimed at them. It was so touching to hear the gospel explained in primary-age terms, and it was a great reminder to me of what's really important in this life.

There was so much innocence in the room, and such a sense of new beginnings and fresh starts, especially when it comes to listening to the Holy Ghost. I was reminded that I need to listen and choose the right as guided by the Spirit.

I used to think that eight years old was so young to baptize children--that they couldn't really understand what baptism meant. I don't think so anymore. I met some amazing children in Paraguay, who would follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their whole hearts, even at age eight. Even when no one in their family supported them.

And the children baptized yesterday reminded me of that principle--that even a child can understand and follow the truths taught by Jesus Christ.

The talks given were beautiful. My favorite was given by someone in the stake presidency. He talked about his family's dog--how it's always happy to see him come home, every single day. The speaker pointed out that God is the same way. He is ALWAYS happy to see us. Every step we take in His direction makes Him rejoice in us. No matter how long we've been away or how often we mess up, He loves us. Unconditionally.

The songs really got to me too. It's been a long time since I've listened to primary songs, and the words are so beautiful. I thought I'd comment on those today.

First of all, "I Am a Child of God." Hopefully you already know the words. There's a line in the second verse that says, I am a child of God, and so my needs are great / Help me to understand His words before it grows too late

On the one hand, I was reminded that I need to continually strive to understand God's words. But on the other hand, I was thinking about how it's NEVER "too late" to repent and draw close to God. We shouldn't delay it, of course, and we don't want to be caught in sin at Judgment Day, but for all of us there's the promise that no matter how late in the game we come to a knowledge of the gospel, we still receive the same salvation as those who DO get a knowledge of God as children. It's an inspiring and reassuring concept.

The second song we sang (that always brings tears to my eyes), was "When I Am Baptized". Or, if you're like me, you might know it as "I Like to Look for Rainbows". That's such a beautiful song, both in melody and in message.

I like to look for rainbows, wherever there is rain / and ponder on the beauty of the earth made clean again. / I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain. / I want to be the best I can, and live with God again.

How wonderful that this primary song teaches children to look for God's love and gospel principles in even things as simple as rain showers. I want to strive to be more consciously aware of God in even everyday things.

Well that's all. :) It was a beautiful event. I hope I get more reminders like this in the near future of how happy we can be when we become as little children and choose the right.

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