Friday, March 21, 2014

Deadline: Stowaway News and Job-Related Blessings

I'm happy to announce that we're coming close to finishing the summer issue of Stowaway. We've finished our initial designs and figured out how everything will fit together. Now we're just going over it all and making sure it looks awesome before we put in the final text and publish the thing.

Here's the Humanities Publications Lab (HumPub, for short), where all the magic happens.

Look how dedicated everyone is. You can practically feel the creativity flowing.

I can't wait to have a final printed version in my hands. It will be amazing to know that I've been a part of actually publishing a magazine, start-to-finish.

Unrelated to that, I'm still hunting for editing jobs. Earlier this week it seemed like nothing good was coming my way (as if you couldn't guess that from my angsty posts), but now things are looking much better.

Last night I wasn't planning on going to Institute because I had a lot of homework to do. But my friends convinced me to go, and I'm so glad I did! After the lesson, we were all chilling in the cultural hall, and an old friend from high school passed by and said hello. I'd seen him around on campus, but last night I felt compelled to really catch up with him, so I invited him to sit down and chat with us.

We got to talking, and we got on the topic of our career paths. I mentioned that I was trying to find editing work, and his eyes kind of lit up when he realized I was an editor. He'd already told me about a nonprofit organization he's started that's kind of a life coaching program, but then he said that he's written self-help books and he's been looking for an editor because he'd rather self-publish than go through a big-time publisher. 

So now he's got an editor (a slightly-desperate, eager-for-work editor), and I've got a potentially big freelance editing job on the horizon! I'm so happy!

The blessings you get from Institute... Seriously, you never know just how deeply it can impact your life. :)

Also, this whole week in Persuasive Writing we've been learning about resumes, cover letters, and interviews. On Wednesday, class was awesome. We did a blitz reading of everyone's resumes and cover letters, and it really showed me what catches an employer's eye. So, as soon as class was over, I revised my resume, whipped up an enthusiastic cover letter, and submitted a job application to LDS Living magazine. 

I'd been talking back and forth with the representative there all week, and when she got my application she basically said, "Well we're not hiring for jobs or internships just now, but we'll keep your info on file." That was a little discouraging, but I knew my resume was awesome so I didn't let it faze me.

Then, earlier today, I got an e-mail from the representative. She said that the internship mentor at LDS Living magazine was impressed with my application and wants to meet with me on Tuesday! EEEE!! 

Despite this week's earlier disappointments, it's hard not to get super excited about this. I never knew before Stowaway how much fun it would be to work on a magazine. Now I would love nothing more than to keep doing that same kind of work, with an LDS publication, right across the street from Temple Square.

Wish me luck!

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