The month started with my roommates and I throwing our very first party. It was on a Tuesday night, and yet we managed to have at least a dozen people over. Probably because it was Harry Potter themed. Who doesn't love Harry Potter??
We pulled out all the stops. We had butterbeer floats, a life-size cut-out of Ron Weasley, and a "Ministry of Magic This Way" sign in our bathroom.
The party itself mostly consisted of us eating Harry Potter foods and watching our favorite silly Harry Potter videos on YouTube. It was great.
By the end of it, Roommates and I were pretty happy with ourselves.
That weekend, Roommates and I had a leisurely Saturday where we went jogging around Liberty Park, then rewarded ourselves by playing with kittens at the animal shelter.
Kittens are therapeutic, but also heartbreaking when you can't take them all home.
Kittens also have very sharp claws, and when they take a fancy to your shoelaces you go home with shredded ankles.
Later that day, I watched the BYU football season opener at my aunt's house. I made the great decision/mistake to watch it with my dad, who is never as emotive as when he's watching BYU football. It was incredibly dramatic (as I'm sure you've heard), and my dad was basically depressed during that whole last minute. But then Mangum made that miracle pass, and it quickly became the best day of our lives.
And the worst day ever for Nebraska.
That weekend was just one long string of awesomeness, culminating in a family outing to the Olympic Park. Since it was Labor Day, the place was pretty crowded, but we still ended up having a blast. It was the Jenkins family's first time being there, but they dominated the ropes course.
The awesomeness was dampened quite a bit that second week of them month when I was introduced me to the most annoying cold I've ever had. I actually had to take a sick day at work because my throat was so sore and my nose was so runny that I couldn't even talk. The worst thing about it, though, is that it's still not over!! As I write this two weeks after my sick day, I'm still sniffling a little, and I keep randomly getting these phlegmy coughing fits that disgust everyone around me. I gave it to my poor roommate, too, and for a week there I felt like a walking germ factory.
Thankfully, none of my coworkers are showing my same symptoms, and the other roommate remains unscathed. Lucky girl.
It was also pretty stressful because I was just starting a brand new job. That's right, I'm finally hired full-time at Deseret Book!
(That was the exact gif my roommate texted me when she found out.)
I'm so glad my patience and hard work has paid off. Living on a part-time salary for over a year has been hard, but I honestly just didn't feel right about pursuing full-time work somewhere else. Deseret Book feels like family to me, and now I feel much more rooted. :)
Anyways, what else happened...
Oh yeah, BYU dominated AGAIN in their second game of the season. I fell asleep before the ending but waking up to the final score was very exciting.
I also discovered that my lawn mower has been crooked this whole time. All my frustration about my lawn looking crappy even right after mowing it is over now that I've evened out the stupid machine.
Sarah started at BYU and has been making me so happy by texting me all these questions about campus and classes and such. It's taking me back to those happy college days, and I'm so excited for her.
After my parents dropped her off at BYU, they came up to Salt Lake and had a nice casual dinner with my grandparents and me.
Then I had this really awesome FHE the next day, where one of my ward members' sisters came and demonstrated self-defense moves for us. I don't get to go to coed ward activities very often, so it was fun to get to know new guys, but a bit awkward being paired up with them. For me, it was great practice, but I think having me "attack" them was kind of silly. A lot of the instructor's advice was just, "Hit their hands away from you," which ended up looking like this most of the time.
I dunno, though. This month I was pretty good about being social. On top of coed FHE, I went to a random movie night where guys were present. We watched RED and I got to play with a cockatiel. Good times.
I think I balanced my socializing well with my introverted geekiness, though. This was also a very geeky month for me.
Our house's internet was down for a full week and a half (the horror!!), so I ended up getting out my cross stitching for the first time in almost a year. Unable to watch anything geeky online, I ended up cross stitching something instead.
I'm sorry if you don't know what this is from.
Then we had a Relief Society activity where we all took our favorite children's book and read them to each other. It was such a pleasant, nostalgic activity! I kind of wish it had been open to anyone, but it was good to get to know more Relief Society sisters.
I brought the only children's book I own, "The Boy Who Spoke to the Earth." If you haven't ever heard of it, check it out. My ex-roommate's illustrator mentor is the author/illustrator, and it's amazing.
Then, just to prove how much of a geek I am, I went to Salt Lake Comic Con last weekend.
Before you write me off as one of those people, let me just say that Comic Con is not just for extreme geeks. Yes, there were crazies there, but the vast majority were people like me who just wanted to check out some cool stuff that you can't find anywhere else.
Like author panels.
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David Farland! Ilima Todd! Nathan Shumate!! |
Only $5! |
And celebrities!!
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Okay, this isn't ACTUALLY Colin O'Donoghue, but it could've been! |
The day after my epic Comic Con weekend, I found out about the latest BYU game. We will not speak of the latest BYU game.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that the women's session of General Conference was the same night as Comic Con. I tried to watch it from home but--alas!--no interent, so I had to stream it on my phone the next morning.
Women's conference is amazing. General Conference in general is amazing, and I'm so excited that it's coming up in just a few days! It will be sad to not have President Packer, Elder Perry, or Elder Scott there anymore. Elder Scott's passing this month was really devastating, but it made me happy to know that he's now reunited with his dear wife, who he always spoke about so lovingly.
It's not just Conference that brings the Spirit to my life. We also had a really amazing Family Night this last Sunday at my parent's house. After a delicious meal of my mom's famous cherry-glazed pork, we all crowded around Grandma in the living room while she gave us a little lesson on our family history.
I learned that all four of my grandma's grandparents were converts to the Church AND immigrants to the United States. Their stories were all so incredible and inspiring. It made me happy to know what kind of legacy I'm coming from, and what kind of legacy I need to continue for the sake of future generations.
We also talked about my grandma's parents, Grandma and Grandpa themselves, then my parents and their siblings, and then how my cousins and I are living. It was just a fantastic lesson.
Oh and then there was an epic lunar eclipse that night. As if you missed that.
The month ended with us finally getting our internet back at our house, which was beautiful.
Okay...not THAT beautiful. It was actually kind of nice being disconnected for that long. I cross-stitched for crying out loud. But we do rely a lot on the internet, so it was nice to have it back.
And they filmed a Hallmark Christmas movie at City Creek, so when I walked to work yesterday there was snow everywhere and the Christmas lights were on, and people were wearing parkas. Even Santa was running around. It was bizarre.
And it got "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" stuck in my head all day.
This year is going by extremely fast, but I'm really glad that it's October now. October is my favorite month of the year.
And that's my recap of September! Phew! This has been exhausting, writing about a whole month in one post. I'll try to be much better about posting as things happen in October.
I wish I had this much fun in my life! Ha ha! Sounds like a great time.